5 Things You Didn't Know About Our Production of "Trestle at Pope Lick Creek"Many people can attest to the fact that there is magic in live performance. It’s special. Sharing a seat next to a friend while you watch...
Meet the Cast: Vinnie MascolaCatalyst Arts ATL is proud to introduce Vinnie Mascola who will be playing Chas in our upcoming production of "The Trestle at Pope Lick...
Meet the Cast: Clinton W. ThorntonCatalyst Arts ATL is proud to introduce Clinton W. Thornton who will be playing Dray in our upcoming production of "The Trestle at Pope...
Downtown Players Club RevealedCatalyst Arts ATL is so excited to share this awesome conversation had with Kris Pilcher from Downtown Players Club. We asked, and he...
Meet the Cast: Kelly CrissCatalyst Arts ATL is proud to introduce Kelly Criss who will be playing Gin in our upcoming production of "The Trestle at Pope Lick...