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Nice To Meet You, Elin.

Elin Rose Hill serves Catalyst Arts Atlanta as Intergalactic Space Ambassador and Marketing Spark.

Originally hailing from some undisclosed planet, she was placed in the care of two brilliant humans and raised in Canton Georgia. She is a houseplants enthusiast, proud big sister, ardent feminist and the primary caretaker of a fish named Othello.

Since the begining of her time on earth she has been a story-teller from putting on one woman Shakespeare productions in the front yard, to youthful lovelorn poetry, to vaguely maintaining a personal blog.

Although she has a love for and has dabbled in many different art forms, Elin is primarily a theatre collaborator. She had her directing debut last spring with Tribal Theatre Company's production of Red Light Winter. This bare bones production located in the most colorful basement in the Old Fourth Ward is the perfect example of her passion for collaboration. "We had no stage manager, no designers, no crew, and absolutely no budget. Instead we had a tiny cast of misfits who worked in every capacity of the production and a few friends that truly believed in our incredibly sad show. " Said Elin when interviewed by no-one. Her other directing credits include a handful of play festivals( 24 Hour Plays, 'Round the Clock Play Festival, One Minute Play Festival, The Fringe Festival) a memorable(ish) Essential Theatre reading that was done in complete darkness, and some assistant directing under some inspirational artists at some wicked cool theatres (Out of Box Theatre, Grassroots Theatre Company,North Fulton Drama Club, Essential Theatre, Actors Express)

She is also currently achieving one of her three year goals as a directing intern at Actors Express. When asked about her adventures in the Atlanta theatre community she casually responded "Tigers got to earn her stripes" and preceded to morph into an actual tiger before jumping into a nearby bush.

Reader, I am going to finish the rest of this post in the first person because this third person nonsense is making me crazy. Bottom line, it's nice to meet you. I am so deeply, incredibly proud of what Catalyst Arts Atlanta has achieved so far. Not only in our production of The Trestle at Pope Lick Creek or with CHURCH but in all the ways we have pushed ourselves to build something we believe in. I can't wait to see what lays ahead of Catalyst, and reader, I hope you join us for the adventure.

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